Endo and Kobayashi’s Live Commentary on the Villainess

Endo and Kobayashi’s Live Commentary on the Villainess

The Play-By-Play Commentator Endo-kun and Colour Commentator Kobayashi-san's Live Commentary on the Tsundere Villainess Liselotte; Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endo-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san; ツンデレ悪役令嬢リーゼロッテと実況の遠藤くんと解説の小林さん; The Play-by-Play Commentator Endo-kun and Colour Commentator Kobayashi-san's Live Commentary on the Tsundere Villainess Liselotte; Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte; Endo and Kobayashi's Live Commentary on the Villainess; 傲娇恶役大小姐莉泽洛特与实况转播远藤君和解说员小林

Endo and Kobayashi’s Live Commentary on the Villainess
Author(s): Enoshima Suzu
Artist(s): Sakakiri
Type: Manga
Status: Ongoing
Views: 84942
Views rank: 3908/76448
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