Flag Capture In The First Move
An Ideal Response to Little Devil-Type Girls.; An MC Who Recklessly Opened the Not Supposed to be Opened Osananajimi Route; Honest-Considerate MC vs Shy Senior; Honest-Considerate MC vs. Club Junior; I'm Fine Even if She's a Little Bit Yandere, I Just Wanna Be Popular; I'm OK Even if She's a Yandere; It's You; MC That Flips Out In Conversations VS Crude Girl; Meeting an Onee-san After a Few Years vs. Honest Guy.; Mou Karui Yandere de Ii kara Mote Taiwa; Omaejan; Perfect Communication Senpai vs. High-Maintenance, Talkative and Awkward Kouhai; Striking Delinquent; Strong-Pressuring MC vs. Strong-Willed Class Rep; Это ты; お前じゃん; パーフェクトコミュニケーション先輩VS重くて饒舌で不器用に後輩; ブチギレコミュ力主人公VSがさつ系女子; フラグを先手で折りまくる; ポンコツヤンキー; もう軽いヤンデレでいいからモテたい話; ルートがないはずの幼馴染ルートを勝手にこじ開ける主人公; 察しのいい敏感系主人公 VS おとなしい先輩; 察しのいい敏感系主人公 VS 部活の後輩; 小悪魔系女子への理想的な対応; 押しが強い系主人公VS気が強い委員長; 数年ぶりに会ったお姉さんVS正直者; An MC Who Recklessly Opened the Not-Supposed-to-Be-Opened Osananajimi Route; Friendly Appeal MC vs Clumsy Kuudere; I'm Fine Even If She's a Little Bit Yandere, I Just Wanna Be Popular; I'm OK Even If She's a Yandere; MC That Flips Out in Conversations VS Crude Girl; Meeting an Onee-san After a Few Years vs. Honest Guy; Self-Proclaimed Anti-Social Girl vs. Brute-force Type MC; Super-template Tsundere Girl vs MC with Anti-Tsundere Measures

Suzumoto Kou
Suzumoto Kou
Views: 16516
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This is a romantic comedy RTA manga in which the protagonist reads the signs and makes a preemptive move to make a girl with a problem happy in every parallel world.
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