Hazure Zokusei Tsuchi Mahou no Sei de Henkyou ni Tsuihousareta no de, Gangan Ryouchi Kaitakushimasu!

Hazure Zokusei Tsuchi Mahou no Sei de Henkyou ni Tsuihousareta no de, Gangan Ryouchi Kaitakushimasu!

Faulty Attribute Earth Magic; I Was Banished to a Desolate Region Because of the Faulty Attribute Earth Magic, so I’m Going to Put in my All to Develop my Territory!

Hazure Zokusei Tsuchi Mahou no Sei de Henkyou ni Tsuihousareta no de, Gangan Ryouchi Kaitakushimasu!
Author(s): Ushiono Mizuki
Artist(s): Utah
Type: Manga
Status: Ongoing
Views: 2044
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