Kanon ~Honto no Omoi wa Egao no Mukougawa ni~
Kanon: The Real Feelings of the Other Side of the Smiling Face; Kanon ホントの想いは笑顔の向こう側に; Kanon ~each regret of Kanon~; Kanon真正的心意隐藏在笑容的背后; Kanon - Honto no Omoi wa Egao no Mukougawa ni; Kanon Honto no Omoi wa Egao no Mokowgawa ni

Kanon's story, set in the middle of winter, regards a group of five girls who are connected back to the same boy. Yuichi Aizawa, the main protagonist, had visited the city where the story takes place seven years prior to the story's beginning. In the beginning Yuichi is very detached from the city and its inhabitants. Prior to his return, it is decided that he is to stay with his cousin, Nayuki Minase, and her mother, Akiko. After his long absence, Yuichi has forgotten almost everything except minor details of what happened seven years before and is in need of being reminded of what he left behind. On the day after Yuichi's return, he is out with Nayuki who is showing him around town. Nayuki remembers that she has to buy things for dinner and Yuichi is reluctant to go with her, arguing that he might get lost. Moments after Nayuki left him waiting on the sidewalk, a strange girl named Ayu Tsukimiya barges into him with little warning. Upon recovering, she drags him away to a nearb
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