The Adventure of Boy with a Mind of a Middle Aged Man

The Adventure of Boy with a Mind of a Middle Aged Man

KARADA WA JIDOU, NAKAMI WA OSSAN NO NARIAGARI BOUKENKI; 身体は児童、中身はおっさんの成り上がり冒険記; 身体是儿童, 心是中年男士的历险记; The Adventure of a Boy with the Mind of a Middle Aged Man; Karada wa Jidou, Nakami wa Ossan no Nariagari Boukenki; La aventura de un niño con la mente de un hombre de mediana edad; The Adventure of Boy with a Mind of a Middle Aged Man

The Adventure of Boy with a Mind of a Middle Aged Man
Author(s): Rikisui
Artist(s): Chihiro (ちひろ)
Type: Manga
Status: Ongoing
Views: 18996
Views rank: 15566/76437
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